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Update: Vaping in the Perioperative Period

We are very excited to be supporting this study which was submitted during the last STAR project pitch by Swati Gupta.

What is it?

Electronic cigarettes (ECs) are being increasingly used as an adjunct in smoking cessation. However, there is little known about the prevalence of EC use and the effects on postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs). We propose to establish the prevalence of preoperative smoking and EC use in patients undergoing elective vascular surgery in the South West, patient awareness of the perioperative risks of smoking, access to sources of smoking cessation support, and any association between EC use and PPCs. Patient questionnaires will be distributed to those undergoing elective surgery over a three-month period and postoperative data will be collected looking at smoking status, EC use and incidence of PPCs. Anaesthetists will be invited to complete a survey to assess attitudes towards smoking cessation and EC use perioperatively. The results may provide more information on the practice of EC use perioperatively and may also make a case for incorporating smoking cessation support in preassessment clinics.

Why this project?

The project won the project pitch at the last STAR annual congress in 2019. 'Because of COVID' we have had some delays but have managed to submit an application for a small NIAA grant to look at the project in vascular patients with a potential to widen the patient set to include all our Severn Hospitals.

What next?

Watch this space, we will let you know how about progress with the grant and when we can roll out the project.

If you are interested in getting involved in this, or any other STAR project please get in touch!

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