28th February 2025
Collaborative Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Research in the Severn Deanery
Provision of Enhanced And Critical Care for Higher Risk Patients
in the South-West

PEACH-SW project– recruiting “PEACH Local Leads” now for every hospital in Severn!
6/11/2023 8am – 13/11/2023 8am
(7 day quality assurance project)
Are you concerned about the provision of post-op care and bed capacity across the region?
Are you a trainee with an interest in research / management / leadership / peri-op / ICU?
We are looking for trainees of any stage or background working in anaesthetics/ICU
Help run the PEACH-SW in your department by signing-up to be a PEACH-SW Local Lead for 1+ days during the dates above!
Two arms of the evaluation:
➢ Peri-op arm- we're collecting data on every patient having surgery with a need for a post-op bed (excluding day case surgery, cardiac, obs & paeds). As a PEACH-SW Local Lead you will help troubleshoot queries from the theatre anaesthetists in your hospital, who will be using a QR code to enter data on every case using an electronic form
➢ Critical care arm- we're collecting data examining how capacity influences your ability to admit both emergency and elective patients every day. We need ICU consultants to scan a QR code twice a day please (as a PEACH-SW Local Lead you will help answer any queries from the ICU team)
*** Google spreadsheet for sign-up *** (one person minimum per day required; first come first served; please speak to your local STAR Local Lead for further information):
Trainee “PEACH local leads” role will involve:
Experience of leading and managing a multi-centre project locally in your hospital
Covers many curriculum areas from different angles including: research/leadership and management/quality improvement/peri-op/ICU
Option of LLP assessments to cover different curriculum areas at the end and certificate for participation in the project as a “PEACH Local Lead” for a pan-South West project
Dedicated non-clinical time (requested as study leave on CLW, including day in-lieu for Saturday or Sunday) – no additional time is required beyond the time spent ‘on the shop floor’ 8-5.30pm
Overseeing the delivery of the project for 1 (or more) days of your choosing, in and around theatres in person
Overseeing data input into a paper/electronic form by anaesthetic theatres teams for every theatre case requiring a post-op bed
Troubleshooting data collection by ICU consultant into electronic form twice daily on ICU at 8am/5pm
All trainee contributors will be Pubmed-indexed collaborators on any subsequent publications
If interested please sign-up using the google spreadsheet above (and your STAR Local Lead will get in touch within a few days) or email