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Applications Open for STAR Chair and Vice Chair

We are delighted to now be recruiting for two brilliant opportunities to join the STAR executive committee.

STAR Chair

  • Lead the STAR committee and organisation

  • Oversee all STAR work streams and projects

  • Chair STAR meetings

  • Represent STAR regionally and nationally

  • Attend RAFT national meetings

  • Previous research experience desirable but not essential - this is first and foremost a leadership and team building role.

STAR Anaesthesia Vice Chair

  • Represent STAR when the chair is unavailable

  • Oversee engagement of Anaesthesia trainees in the organisation

  • Contribute Anaesthesia focussed ideas and developments

  • Work closely with the Chair and ICM Vice Chair in steering the organisations activity

  • Previous research experience desirable but not essential

Testimonials from previous STAR Chairs:

Being the STAR Chair for three years, pretty much since the group's inception, was challenging but extremely rewarding - particularly in terms of how I was able to develop my leadership, management and importantly networking skills. This was incredibly useful experience for working as a consultant and has acted as a stepping stone for me to having a regional NIHR lead role. Interestingly, the actual clinical research knowledge required initially was minimal but I developed this as time went on as chair. I highly recommend this role and I'd be very happy to chat to anyone interested in the position about how I found it.

Dr Chris Newell

Working as STAR chair over the last 3+ years has been fantastic – I would thoroughly recommend the role to anyone interested in leading a motivated and competent team, with the reassurance of being well supported by Chris as Consultant Supervisor. I have had unparalleled opportunities to lead regional work, represent the group nationally, and deliver exciting innovation and change in my time as chair. For anyone interested but without research experience, I wouldn’t worry too much as the role will teach you all that you need to know, whilst allowing you the chance to develop your management and leadership skills on a regional and national level.

Dr Katie Samuel

If you are interested, please send your CV and a short paragraph about yourself and why you would be suited to the role to by the 21st December 2020. All anaesthesia or ICM trainees are eligible to apply, with previous involvement in research being desirable.

For more details on STAR or the positions available, in particular the Chair role, please feel free to drop an email to

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