Forthcoming Projects

While many research projects that STAR was involved with at a local level have taken a back seat this last year, we are excited to restart recruitment and support for these in the next few months.
These projects include:
FLO-ELA - Fluid Optimisation in Emergency Laparotomy
PAMS - Perioperative Anaemia Management
In addition we look forward to supporting several local and national studies hoping to start in the next few months:
MAGPIE - Measurement of the Aerosol Generating Potential of Intubation, Extubation and associated airway procedures
SNAP-3 - 3rd Sprint National Audit Project on Frailty, delirium and the older surgical patient
NAP7 - 7th RCOA National Audit Project - Perioperative Cardiac Arrest
RAFT National Survey - 'Equality, Diversity, and Bias in Anaesthesia Training; Perception of impact on training experience and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Anaesthetists in training'
Watch this space for more details and as ever, please get in touch if you are interested in getting involved!